Calistoga Hot Springs: Soak, Steam, Rest, Repeat

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Calistoga Hot Springs: Soak, Steam, Rest, Repeat

By Julia Chang March 28, 2024

大多数人都知道温泉是由什么组成的(热水或温水的天然来源) Calistoga is known for its mineral baths of all kinds. 但它是如何工作的,为什么这种放松练习对你有好处?

我们了解到的一件事是,因为加热的水含有更多的溶解固体, hot springs have a high mineral content, which means it’s all the better for a soak. 虽然可能没有大量的科学研究证明它对健康的好处, 我们知道,这种利用热量释放毒素的做法已经有数万年的历史了.

“Quiet nights, warm soaks—welcome to Calistoga.”

它的地热温泉的矿泉水在地下流动, Calistoga has a renowned history as a place of healing. Over 50 years ago, 瓦波部落的成员是第一个在圣巴巴拉山脚附近发现天然火山温泉的人. Helena. The rest is spa-history, 游客们从四面八方赶来,享受卡利斯托加的神奇疗效, 在富含矿物质的温泉或火山泥浴中放松.

对健康的好处可能主要是基于传闻证据, 但不可否认的是,一个人在经历了很长一段时间后,会产生一种禅宗般的状态, hot soak. 如果它能让你感觉更好、更放松,那就成功了一半,不是吗? We’ve rounded up some of our favorite spa experiences 为你下次去葡萄酒之乡提供著名的卡利斯托加矿泉水. Get ready to soak, steam, rest, and repeat.

Calistoga Spa Hot Springs
Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Calistoga Spa Hot Springs

Because one healing geothermal mineral pool isn’t enough, Calistoga Spa Hot Springs has four,每一种都被加热到不同的温度,以适应不同的喜好. Have a soak in the outdoor whirlpool, 气温最高可达104华氏度(适合全年降温), or enjoy the Soaking Pool and its 100° F waters. 如果你渴望运动和恢复活力, the multi-lane lap pool is heated to a cool 80° F, and the wading pool is perfect for wee spa guests.

快速内幕提示:如果你有一个朋友只是想加入他们的地热矿物池, they can accompany you as your guest for a $25 fee.

加利福尼亚州卡利斯托加华盛顿街1006号,邮编94515,(707)942 -6269

UpValley Inn & Hot Springs
Photo courtesy of UpValley Inn & Hot Springs

Commitment is the word we’d like to use for UpValley Inn & Hot Springs, 因为他们是少数几个游泳池和漩涡池100%由Calistoga矿泉水供应的物业之一,这些矿泉水是从他们的地热井中抽取的. Once you’ve soaked to your heart’s content, 在他们手工制作的干桑拿和蒸汽室里放纵一下身体. And with the crisp, refreshing decor and tranquil guest rooms on-site, 你永远不需要从禅的状态中唤醒自己.

Feel like exploring beautiful Calistoga, but haven’t made plans past your spa experience? Fear not, 你可以使用镇上的免费班车服务, providing on-demand transportation to dining, wine tasting, shopping, and other Wine Country activities,创造了放松和冒险的完美平衡.

1865 Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga, CA 94515, (707) 942-9400

Dr. Wilkinson’s
Pool time at Dr. Wilkinson’s. Photo courtesy of Dr. Wilkinson’s
Dr. Wilkinson’s
Relaxation awaits. Photo courtesy of Dr. Wilkinson’s

Founded in 1952 by holistic wellness advocate, Dr. Jon Wilkinson, Dr. Wilkinson’s Backyard Resort & Spa 是对他奉献给卡利斯托加治愈之水的致敬. 医生发现了这些矿池的修复功能, which range in temperature from 85°F to 104°F. 豪华的沙发床和私人小屋为客人提供,包括毛巾服务和两个室外游泳池和一个室内游泳池.

While staying at Dr. 威尔金森(Wilkinson)的酒店有中世纪现代风格的内饰和棕榈树环绕的游泳池,感觉就像一场盛宴, the true star of the show is in their unique treatments. Whatever you do, don’t skip out on the Volcanic Ash Mud Bath, 受人尊敬的是它的排毒特性——几天后你可能需要它 wine tasting.

1507 Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga, CA 94515, (707) 942-6258

Indian Springs Spa, Buddha Pond
Buddha Pond. Photo courtesy of Indian Springs

You’ll immediately notice Indian Springs酒店的水疗和周边特色都受到了东方的影响, like the Buddha Pond, which makes for an excellent spot to meditate, or the Himalayan Salt Room. 他们的招牌疗法是奢华的印度温泉泥浴仪式. 你可以一边喝着清爽的黄瓜柑橘水,一边泡在舒适的泥浴中度过一天. 然后是时候用红外线桑拿来结束你的排毒了, of course, a nap wrapped in a flannel blanket. Talk about pampering!

If playing in the mud isn’t quite your cup of tea, 预订纯羊奶玫瑰浴或印第安泉盐浴来帮助你干燥的皮肤补水. 当然,矿池才是真正的防御工事. Swim laps in the Olympic-sized mineral pool, built in 1913, 或者在成人泳池里找到一个隐蔽的绿洲,那里只供成年人使用.

1712 Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga, CA 94515, (707) 709-8139

Mount View Hotel
Photo courtesy of Visit Calistoga

To make relaxation an art, start your getaway at Mount View Hotel & Spa. 在热水浴缸的矿泉水里泡一泡,然后潇洒地躺在热水池旁的小屋里. 在水疗中心也有无数的洗浴相关的治疗选择, from oxygen baths to mineral mud baths. 对于那些想要更多突破常规体验的人, the spa also offers Cannabidiol (CBD) oil massages. 我们敢打赌,你在当地水疗中心的菜单上不会看到这道菜.

Mount View Hotel & Spa还将“事业整合”融入了酒店业,并将50%的利润捐给了慈善机构, to causes such as St. Jude儿童研究医院,Ole Health, Project Ceres等等. So if you’re civic-minded, 当你晚上躺在床上的时候,你可以轻松地放松下来, your stay is changing the world for the better.

1457 Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga, CA 94515, (707) 942-1500

Photo Courtesy of Solage

这个奥贝格度假村把卡利斯托加温泉水疗体验提升了一个档次. Artfully designed and ecologically conscious, Spa Solage 包括更新扭转著名的卡利斯托加泥浆和矿泉水疗法. If you’re in town celebrating a romantic weekend, check out the Starlight at the Bathhouse experience, where you can soak, steam, and retreat in private under the stars. Sparkling wine and a shared dessert too? Don’t mind if we do.

When you’re ready for some social interaction, take advantage of Solage’s social events, with pool parties, sound meditation workshops, film festivals, and of course, learning to be a winemaker for a day.

755 Silverado Trail, Calistoga, CA 94515, (866) 942-7442

Golden Haven has private, mineral mud bath rooms to accommodate duos, as well as individuals who want a little silent soak time. For a more communal, less muddy experience, check out their hot springs pool, 由温泉矿泉水加热,在140-150华氏度之间从地下冒出来.

With 28 rooms, Golden Haven also has space for an overnight stay, so you can remain in that totally zen state of mind. For the truly exclusive experience, book one of their hot springs rooms, which feature a private, two-person whirlpool spa. Best of all, 这个热水浴缸的水来自整个度假村使用的同一个地下温泉源. Doesn’t get more private than that.

1713 Lake Street, Calistoga, CA 94515, (707) 942-8000


结束纳帕之旅(或开始纳帕之旅)没有比这更好的方式了!),而不是在卡利斯托加富含矿物质的水疗中心放松身心. Start with a Wine Country getaway, plan for a tasting or two, 在这些水疗中心里泡上一段时间,你一定能得到休息和放松. 去预定你的住宿吧——我们保证你已经开始感到压力消失了.

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